Then one day I left Neo Posinson checking the family business, a venue with a hot tub.

I forgot that the game would not pause when he got there and wandered away from my computer. I got back just in time to see the family home reloading. I was pretty sure what that would mean. I had just killed Neo.
Sure enough, his wife Jean and toddler son James were completely devastated. The teenage twins Timothy and Tabatha were randomly crying. Child Harold was sad but kept his head in a book as usual.
Daughter Jenna was at University and a member of the Secret Society. She had access to a Resurrect-o-nomitron - the phone to the Grim Reaper. I had her use it and Grimmy said she didn't know anyone who was dead.
Lesson one - young adults at University can only resurrect other young adults
So she put the phone in her inventory and took it to a shop that the college students owned. I tried to have her older brother use it and he couldn't even touch it.
Lesson two - no resurrection on community lots
Finally Gerry took the bone phone home and successfully resurrected his dad
Lesson three - resurrection == instant addition to the current household
Lesson four - resurrection == reset of the Sim's age back to the start of that life stage
Neo was suddenly a few days younger than his oldest son. Plus his marriage with Jean was broken and their dates weren't going that well. Then Gerry and Chris had twin babies and having Neo around was very helpful. So Neo stayed there for awhile.